Whatever the size of the bag, women always try to carry their entire home in them. Well…I’m no exception!!! With the result that my bags are highly cluttered…absoloutely all the time!
This is what I’m doing to de-clutter my bag and de-stress my life. Its call Organice

It’s a very smart and a highly organized bag/pouch that fits into your handbag and has pockets of varying sizes, so you can switch all your cosmetics, medicines, mobile phone, spectacles, bills, pens/pencils to the bag’s separate pockets… and all those little things too that you keep fumbling for when you need them so urgently. Now you simply lift the switcher by the handle and transfer it into your main bag and your life will be so much more saner! All you have to do now is unzip your bag and just glance through, and you will find what you need. Trust me, it works! Another thing…I dont have to fret about changing my handbag now (which I love to do so very often), just transferring the switcher from one bag to another does the job.
These bags are sturdy, very reasonably priced and available in interesting colors & prints – Plain Color Bag Switcher : Rs. 399, Printed Bag Switcher : Rs. 499, Plain Color Combo Bag Switcher : Rs. 599 (Big and Small Together), Printed Combo Bag Switcher : Rs. 699 (Big and Small Together). The best part is that they are available in various sizes so you can customize them as per your needs…and they make for amazing gift items too. Currenly, I’m using the big bag switcher for my daily essentials and a smaller one to manage my bills…and have bought one for my mom too. She so needs it 🙂 Going with the current fashion trends, Organice is launching animal print leather bag switcher in grey and red. I personally think that animal print switchers would be a great idea so besides being highly functional products, they will act like fashion accessories too!!!
And yes…Organice has more of such interesting products like the butterfly hanger to hang scarves, which is damn pretty and well thought of, an extremely cute and useful jewellery organizer as well as an innovative way of storing your bag efficiently. Kudos to Organice !
P.S. Organice offers free home delivery in Delhi & Mumbai. For more details check out their facebook page Organice